Are you considering my GENUINE CONNECTIONS HorseWomanShip Program for yourself and your horse?
from Around the World:
"Harry nearly killed me prior to joining Petra's Program!"
"I call Harry now Sweatheart! Your Mentorship Program has opened my eyes to the importance of paying attention to the very tiny details of my horse & his communication. It gives me a step by step guide to retraining us both. Plus... I must say, the Mentorship community is like the family I have always dreamed of!"
Angel Ben with Harry

Lynne Saunders
United Kingdom
Wow, wow, wow. This is absolutely beautiful and what I aspire to do with Bramble. So glad I found Petra.

Barbara Crawford
First ride since beginning the "restart". No saddle, no bit or bridle, no hands... just intent, energy, and teamwork. Walk-trot-canter transitions. Best ride ever!! Thank you Petra Christensen!

Tracy Harvey
New Zealand
Isn't this course of Petra Christensen just the best thing since sliced bread?!

Colleen Pyle
Hi Petra, all is going really well! I wanted you to know that you literally saved our relationship. I was ready to move her on until you reached out to me.

Loretta Z.
I have gone through the video course twice and each time, I gather new information. It is put together so well and definitely keeps me coming back for more!

Lyn Rothe
United States
I see now that my mare had holes in training that weren't a big deal to past handlers. Such a great program, supportive community & fantastic coach!

Janine Schroeder
United States
Seriously who is this horse?? Kaspin took off from the barn again on a mission with ears pointing forward! Went down to the normally scary part of property. There even were deer in the woods! Kaspin could care less and even wanted to go off property! Kaspin walked around between our stuff like no big deal. Normally this would bother him. This stuff is mind blowing, Petra Christensen!

Thank you for offering such an informative workshop today! I truly learned more from you, put puzzle pieces together and I am excited about my goals and seeing how our journey unfolds. You continually create a safe place for people who deeply want to grow within themselves and their horsemanship to connect with others. It’s a beautiful place!

Lori Johnson McGinty
This is my JB. This was our first big area space conversation and he has never looked at me like this since I got him in June of 2021. It took a few good minutes and he gave some big feedback. Then he finally came to me. We took two steps and then just stood together. Then I said “Let’s go back to the herd”, and he stayed connected all the way back to the barn. This stuff is so real and so good!

Kate Townsend
I have had a number of favourite pictures of my boys over the years.....mainly action shots or classy head and body poses but this is now my very favourite ever. It was hard work to sit breathing and try to be present for over half an hour but when this happened I felt so grateful for my change of heart and direction with these 3. I have no doubt that it is showing me that my efforts to see and hear them and to offer connection and relaxation are getting us all to a better place. Thank you Petra Christensen for guidance and inspiration.

Marilyn Morrison Aho
Dolly had usually tried to nip/bite as I was putting the halter on. However, after the first time I used Petra's haltering method, she quit trying to nip with haltering and started either coming as I called her, meeting me at the gate, or even stand waiting if she'd seen me come to the barn. And for the first time in the 3 1/2 years that I'd owned her, she started nickering for me! It hasn't been easy to unlearn what I'd been doing for the 30 years that I've had horses, but it is so worth it. We haven't totally "arrived" YET but have made huge progress. In the past couple of weeks I've been able to saddle Dolly with no "crabby ears" or attempts to nip, and just over a week ago, I started riding again. For anyone considering this course, I highly recommend it. It's worth the time & effort that is required - it's made a huge difference for Dolly & me!

Midge O-Connell
United Kingdom
I listened to Petra's "Live at Five" Q&A in the Live & Ride with Confidence Group and caught up with other Genuine Connections students' questions. Angel with her horse Harry as well as Lucy and Holly and others who kindly commented. This afternoon, I led Soli from the paddock, he was relaxed and soft as we do this daily at feed time. Then we went through the gate and onto the track out towards the lane. He stopped several times but didn't brace once, just stood for a few seconds, head low and then walked on. I didn't put any pressure on the rope at all , I stood slightly in front of him to let him know that I was checking things out and everything went like a dream.Thank you Petra, I am overjoyed that I found you!

Shari White
You are in my head every time I am with my horses! My relationship with them all is SOOOOO much better since I have been learning from you! You are an amazing woman and you are changing the world for so many of us! My horses and I love you so much! Thank you!

Janice Devine-Patterson
Takes me awhile to get through the videos but soooooooo good!!! Finished this one and continue to learn soo much!! Thank you everyone for sharing and Petra for your awesome guidance.

Britt Millar
New Zealand
My 'Yay!' moment today: I did not have much time, but took Katinka into my paddock and we walked, stopped, backed, trotted together online as a warm-up, and then I took the halter off and she stayed with me and we did it all again, even going over the scary pole/jump. She looked at the grass a couple of times, but was easily redirected!

Shelley Dunn
I would like to introduce you to my horse Koda. She has worked hard all her life for us humans, and has been through a few owners but to me she is perfect. She had issues with severe separation anxiety, that made her unpredictable and so so stressed, it was hard to watch. BUT NO MORE!!! The new Koda will walk with her human and do so in a calm and relaxed manner, away from her not so long ago, life support system, the other members of her herd. WE DID IT LADIES. I cannot believe it. And by we, I mean Koda, myself, and Petra Christensen, and all of you. You all know how I was ready to throw it all in, but you all kept me going and thank God you did. We all need to raise our glass and toast our brave and confident companion, Koda. To know that she has a connection with someone I know will never leave her side, makes my heart so relieved, and I know this because that connection is with me. So ladies please raise your glasses TO KODA...

Brenda Wuethrich
United States
It may not look like much but it was a big win for me! Love all Petra is teaching us and this “new” way of connecting wih our horses and helping them feel safe, secure and confident! After Dolly got up from her snooze, Stormy came out to join us and we all soon heard a crackling sound not far away in the timber. Much to our surprise a large oak tree came crashing down. Needless to say the horses were on high alert but I stayed on the ground where I was blowing out and breathing long slow breaths. Within half an hour Stormy was laying down and both horses were completely calm and connected. This stuff really works!

Julie Graham
United Kingdom
I have to say I have never known anyone as generous as you Petra! What you give to people and horses - and the content of what is in the course - goes way more than any other course I've done or known. Going to be doing it for a long time, and then start it all over again! You are phenomenal! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the tools to go forward with my beloved horses and hopefully help erase where I got it wrong with them with your help. You are a light in the darkness for horses and people and may it continue to shine on so brightly.

Krista-Lee Dooley
We are going great. Jelly Bean is still pushy at dinner time but it's not as bad as it was. It's a working progress. Our relationship with her is getting stronger everyday. She is so sweet and seeing her every afternoon is the best part of our day! I'm really loving your master class. I'm listening in when I can and watch the same video a few times to soak in all your knowledge. I feel more at ease the more I see how relaxed jelly bean is with all our ground work you have taught us and in turn Sarah is growing so much confidence to do alot of the tasks on her own (with me watching on of course). You have made this journey so much less scary and 100% safer! Thank you so much!

Sam Flounders
United Kingdom
Very first time riding Elvis today. We’ve been doing work on the ground for the last 3 months. Never would have thought of a bareback pad if Petra hadn’t talked about it in the videos… It’s a perfect compromise, thank you for the insight! Feel like he has been ridden before, but definitely not for years. He’s still got to build more weight and condition, so it’s too early for a saddle as he is slowly changing shape. It was such a beautiful, gentle, relaxed start!

Marilyn Morrison Aho
Dolly had usually tried to nip/bite as I was putting the halter on. However, after the first time I used Petra's haltering method, she quit trying to nip with haltering and started either coming as I called her, meeting me at the gate, or even stand waiting if she'd seen me come to the barn. And for the first time in the 3 1/2 years that I'd owned her, she started nickering for me! It hasn't been easy to unlearn what I'd been doing for the 30 years that I've had horses, but it is so worth it. We haven't totally "arrived" YET but have made huge progress. In the past couple of weeks I've been able to saddle Dolly with no "crabby ears" or attempts to nip, and just over a week ago, I started riding again. For anyone considering this course, I highly recommend it. It's worth the time & effort that is required - it's made a huge difference for Dolly & me!